Join our Study!

We are currently recruiting for our Feasibility Study.

The purpose of this initial study is to gain user-experience and pilot test components of the UNITE Project Intervention, including a smartwatch/ring, smartphone app-based surveys, and for some, a personalized stress reduction program with mindful breathing, and/or a personalized exercise program during pregnancy & postpartum.

If interested in joining our study, please complete the eligibility survey here.

If interested in speaking to a member of the research team, please email or text/call 714-485-6883.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I benefit from this study?

There are no direct benefits from participation in the study. However among other to-be-determined benefits, this study may help you better understand your physical and emotional well-being, reduce fatigue, improve physical well-being, decrease stress and improve your mood pregnancy.

How much time will the study take? 

On average, eligible & enrolled participants should anticipate spending 5 minutes-60 minutes per day on study activities. Average time spent is variable and dependent on the study-related activity.

Do I need to go anywhere to participate?

Study Activities & Meetings will be held virtually, or in a convenient, safe and mutually-agreed upon location.

How will my participation benefit society & science? 

Your participation will help us to better understand women’s experiences with technology-based maternal care. You will also be contributing to the scientific knowledge of integration of technology into prenatal care.